Pro Mod Rules

Pro Mod Rules

  1. Any engine allowed.  Engine must not exceed displacement limit for the class.
  2. Maximum overbore is defined as 2% over the cc displacement limit of the class.
  3. Any functionally silenced exhaust system allowed.  The exhaust emission pipe must not protrude more than three (3) inches beyond the chassis or hood configuration.
  4. The clutch cover must be separate of the cowl configuration and cover the clutch perimeter and faces to the center of the clutch bolt or below.  Snowmobiles with removable side panels may fasten clutch covers/shields to side panels to meet this requirement.
  5. Any commercially available one-piece molded rubber track allowed.  No cleated tracks allowed.  Unless specified, no modification to drive, frame or suspension allowed to install track.
  6. Pro Mod KOH max cc limit 1500cc.
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